WICKED PEDIA - 01/06/2006
Someone keeps putting up circle sceptic stuff on the Wikipedia open encyclopedia website. Let’s stop them, says STEVE DAUGHS...
THE TERMINATOR - 31/05/2006
Our December article about the official collapse of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies has stirred up some strong feelings about the reasons for it in NICK KOLLERSTROM...
A quick word from ANDREW PRINCE on a curious piece of 2012-related info...
MILK MAN - 29/05/2006
NEIL HUDSON NEWMAN has a new website about the famous Milk Hill 2001 formation, and even the Prime Minister is reportedly interested…
GOOGLE GHOSTS - 28/05/2006
Two bits of circle-finding advice regarding the ‘Google Earth’ software (which enables one to obtain aerial views of anywhere on the planet) from CYRILLE CUISINIER and BARRY REYNOLDS...
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