"To study the abnormal is the best way of understanding the normal" - WILLIAM JAMES We beg to differ
Swirled News
Informed reports, reviews and commentary on happenings and discoveries in the world of crop circles, provided by the Southern Circular Research organisation.

About Crop Circles
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About Us

Welcome to Swirled News, the crop circle headline news service provided by the Southern Circular Research (SCR) organisation (founded in 1991), which for nine years produced the influential journal SC. Swirled News, launched in spring 2001, is the site to access for informed reports and reviews on happenings and discoveries in the world of crop circles, backed up by incisive comment, analysis, opinion and humour.

Swirled News is edited by Andy Thomas, author of five books on crop circles including Vital Signs, which has been described by many as the definitive guide to the circle phenomenon. Andy edited SC for its entire duration and is a prominent researcher and lecturer. Artistic director for Swirled News is Emmy award-winning video editor Jason Porthouse, and our Feedback editor is Melanie Gambrill. In addition to a squad of excellent contributors, our core team includes Marcus Allen (UK editor of Nexus Magazine), Allan Brown, Martin Noakes, Barry Reynolds and Di Brown. We also have a resident cartoonist, our man in Australia, Brett Parrott.

Southern Circular Research monitors and surveys crop formations in its home counties of East and West Sussex and holds regular monthly meetings at Burgess Hill, West Sussex, where all the latest global news on the phenomenon is discussed and lectured on. All are welcome. To find out meeting dates, times, places and details, please click on the Monthly Meetings button.

For information on books by Andy Thomas please click on the Crop Circle Books button.

Copyright information: All information on this site is © Swirled News & Southern Circular Research 2005: permission must be sought for any reproduction of material. Ultimate Copyright for individual articles and illustrations lies with the original authors, artists and photographers. The opinions expressed on this web site are those of the individual contributors and not Swirled News or Southern Circular Research as a whole, unless otherwise stated.

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