"In dealing with cunning persons, we must ever consider their ends to interpret their speeches, and it is good to say little to them, and that which they least look for" - FRANCIS BACON We beg to differ
Swirled News
Informed reports, reviews and commentary on happenings and discoveries in the world of crop circles, provided by the Southern Circular Research organisation.

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JUNE 2004 - 22/06/2004

The recent ‘Proclamation Initiative’, for all its apparent good intentions, has been, for some, divisive and troubling. But why? And why do people’s qualms matter so much in this case? MICHAEL GLICKMAN looks more deeply into the nature of the Proclamation...


APRIL 2004 - 04/04/2004

Unpredictable weather, Silbury Hill purified at last, exploding garages, UFOs, and the usual cerealogical controversy… MICHAEL GLICKMAN opens the new season with some musings from the heart of crop circle country.


NOVEMBER 2003 - 13/11/2003

MICHAEL GLICKMAN responds to his critics (see current Feedback) regarding his recent words on paranoia surrounding military helicopters and crop circles…


SEPTEMBER 2003 - 17/09/2003

MICHAEL GLICKMAN opens fire on military helicopters… or, rather, those who spread paranoia about them regarding crop circles…


JULY 2003 - 05/07/2003

Silbury Hill, reality TV, ancient sites desecrated, crop circles, Loyd Grossman, sewage systems… MICHAEL GLICKMAN lets loose on those overly ‘Tethered’ by three-dimensional certainties…


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