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LECTURE LIGHT - 02/10/2006

ANTHONY JAMES recounts the strange sighting of a ball of light - at a crop circle lecture by the editor of Swirled News...

I recently had the pleasure of hearing Andy Thomas talk about 'The Crop Circle Mystery' and 'The Power of Collective Thought’. I'm still soaking up the whole experience and I'm finding that I'm much more positive about everything; it’s great!

On Saturday 15th July 2006, the Annual Seminar of the Surrey Spiritual Healers Association was held at The Jonathan Atkinson Centre, Surrey. Andy had been talking for some time with some amazing slides of crop circles, when I noticed a very bright ball of orange light which came through the skylight window on the roof of the building quite high above Andy’s head.

It had a very beautiful quality, graceful, quiet and very bright. I noticed a very intense centre point of light with a soft sphere around it. It disappeared back out the skylight for a moment and then came back again, only this time it seem to dance about and come slightly lower into the room. Then it went back out the skylight and was gone! It was almost as though it was checking out Andy’s lecture and slides.

I turned to my wife and said ‘did you see that?’, and she said ‘yes’. At the interval, I asked other people if they saw anything and two other people said they saw exactly what I have described. I asked the proprieter of the building if there were any electric lights in the skylight (which has a tinted blue colour) - he said ‘no’. I know people have reported this kind of phenomenon
making crop circles, and felt I needed to report this beautiful object.


[And in case anyone is wondering, I did not put Anthony up to writing this! Annoyingly, nor did I see the ball of light myself, which was far above my head. My halo must have slipped... – Ed]


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