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Just when you thought there could be no more room for yet another television investigation of the crop glyph phenomenon, along come several more…

2001 is going to be another busy year for crop circle documentaries, with several in the offing, so look out for camera crews heading to a field or conference near you soon, and circle researchers being lined up by lens-bearing firing squads for ‘talking head’ shots.

Among the entries, we have US director Larry Newnam’s planned venture, which is already well advanced. Newnam did actually contribute an article for ‘The Cereologist’ magazine a few years back, and has a genuine interest in the phenomenon. (You can read about plans for his programme by checking out the ‘Circlespeak’ entry in our LINKS section.)

Elsewhere, local ITV company HTV are in the process of compiling a 30 minute quickie-guide for broadcast this summer, while Danish TV current affairs programme ‘Dags Dato’ (from their channel TV2) will also be filming in England this season. Other programmes are rumoured to be in production.

In addition to these, croppies Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard are making an updated version of their excellent ‘Crop Circles; What on Earth is Going On?’, while Saira Bhatti’s short video ‘Crop Circles: Temples of the Modern Age?’, premiered at a recent SCR meeting, is being groomed for a much longer version and wider exposure is planned.

Meanwhile, as well as the Hollywood blockbuster ‘Signs’ (see story elsewhere in our ‘Headlines’), which may or may not feature Mel Gibson roaming US crop circles, a documentary cinema feature is being planned for release around the same time, according to US researcher Suzanne Taylor. Directed by US-based William Gazecki, who gained an Academy Award nomination for a noted documentary on the Waco incident, his unit will be roaming Wiltshire this summer to capture the sights, the sounds and, well, the smells, of the world of cerealogy...

So don’t forget to have your scrawled ‘Hello Mum’ boards ready just in case a camera passes your way this year – which sounds a not unlikely possibility…



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