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FACE IN THE LIGHT - 03/10/2006

ADRIANO FORGIONE, editor of the Italian journals ‘Edizioni Hera’ and ‘Area 51 Magazine’, has discovered some curious features in an archive crop circle photo...

Here is some startling new information from field research that I did on the crop formation which appeared on June 24th 2005 in Montegranaro (Ascoli Piceno) Italy.

Before I left the formation at 9.00pm after two hours of research on the Montegranaro site with Major Gianni Basso, I took a last photo with the digital camera belonging to my friend ufologist Pino Morelli.

Recently, while scanning my archive, I was surprised to see a yellow-blue glowing light in the picture behind my shoulders. I did not notice it in the darkness that night. However, it seems to be 8-10 meters away from me.

There was nothing there, no houses, no streets or passage, only the rest of the field and trees. Nobody else noticed the presence of the BOL (Ball of Light) at that moment.

I have made an enlargement of the BOL. No manipulation of the original colors was made (you are viewing the original). You will note that there is a glowing yellow-red corona around it, confirming the anomalous origin and the high temperature of the object, in complete accordance with the usual eye witness testimony. I'm sure it's not the result of the humidity and water in the air.

But the incredible thing is that right in the centre of a soft cyan colour BOL, there are the features of a ”Baby’s Face”, which seems to look at us (me in particular). I don't think this is an illusion. The features of this BOL are exactly the face of a baby, with an expression of surprise. It's the first time we have seen a BOL that looks like this. We find it INCREDIBLE!

Pictures © Adriano Forgione / Pino Morelli

Original photo
Original photo
Blow-up 1
Blow-up 1


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