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The heart of circle territory is again open to the public, after months of Foot and Mouth restrictions. KAREN DOUGLAS updates us on the situation…

Last Friday (25th May), Wiltshire County Council relaxed its precautions over Foot and Mouth disease and opened an estimated 90% of its country pathways. There are still a few footpaths which remain closed, namely those which cross farm yards or go through farm buildings, or if the pathway is used for the movement of livestock. All remaining closures are clearly marked and in some cases an alternative route is indicated.

This relaxation sees the re-opening of many of Wiltshire’s pathways and countryside access in the Kennett and Avon areas – ie. the countryside around Avebury, Silbury and further on to include Knap Hill and the Pewsey Vale – many of our regular crop circle haunts. This seems to have been a countrywide effort with Hampshire and other counties across the South, which are also opening their pathways.

This seems fortuitous indeed, as it coincides with the beginning of the crop circle season in the UK, following on just a week or so after the first circle reports in this country. This sent out very strong signals that the crop circles would continue to appear despite the countryside being closed, but now we should be able to look forward to an almost normal circle season and near full access to the countryside, assuming farmers don’t use fears of a further crisis as an individual excuse to keep people out of formations. How long the residual closures will be in place is unknown, but it seems likely that these too will be relaxed at some point in the not too distant future.



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