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ION FILINGS - 18/02/2005

BERT KIEKENS shares a new theory of circle formation involving ions and Balls of Light…


A basic idea in this story is that a forcefield parallel to the earth’s surface pushes ions in the crop stalks to one side of the stalk. Assumed is that some of those ions makes the plant grow at the location of those ions (growth hormones? = Auxins?) and that actual growth only starts from a certain density in grow-ions. Below that threshold-density there should be no enhanced growth. One can call this an asymmetric “grow pulse”. See Figure 1.

Another possibility is that by electromagnetic radiation the ions are made to vibrate, which immediately converts into heat. And when the ions are all pushed to one side of the stalk, one gets an asymmetric heating. Maybe both processes are possible. The bending and so the lay of the crop is to the opposite direction of the forcefield, “opposing the forcefield”. The forcefield is electric or magnetic or both. In my opinion, only the magnetic field turns out to be useful in forming crop circles and we will see how the forcefield is caused by a magnetic field.

In this theory, the magnetic field that causes the crop circles to form is caused by a BoL (Ball of Light). We assume the BoL essentially to be a horizontal constant direct circular current, that is a constant current continuously running along the same circle in the same direction. See Figure 2.

Assume the BoL floats above the crop or hangs between it just above the soil, for the moment hanging there perfectly still. Then there are no forces from the circlecurrent (as we name from now on the circular current of the BoL) on the electric charges of the ions in the stalks. The BoL, as well as the circlecurrent in it, is assumed to be electrically neutral and so there is no net electric force working. As long as the circlecurrent doesn’t change, the accompanying magnetic field doesn’t change either. According to the law of the Lorentz force, a magnetic field that doesn’t change and doesn’t move exerts no force on electrical charges that are standing still, like the ions in the stalk. So for the moment nothing happens.

Suddenly, the BoL moves upward. To understand what happens now, we everywhere decompose the magnetic field of the BoL in one component in the horizontal plane and a second component along the vertical line. In this case the vertical component lies along the BoL’s velocity direction and so will generate no force exerted on the ions in the stalk, according to the law of the Lorentz-force. The magnetic component in the horizontal plane is quite different in its action. Take in mind a horizontal plane just a small distance under the circlecurrent in the BoL of the accompanying diagram. (The vertical component, however unimportant in this case, is downward everywhere there.) The vertical velocity of the BoL and the horizontal component of the magnetic field (deep blue in the diagram) then give rise to what is shown in Figure 3, according to the law of the Lorentz force. The BoL is viewed from above. One sees the soil behind the BoL and the BoL moves toward you. For reasons of simplicity, we assume the ions in the stalks of the crop to have a positive electric charge. If they had a negative charge, all forces (light blue arrows) would point in the opposite direction.

Figure 4 is a recommended experiment: the simulation of a rising (or descending) BoL. A constant direct electric current is running through the solid structure made of a wire (red). It lies around some crop and there is crop around it. Suddenly the ring veers up to the sky. Also possible: from the sky the ring smashes down on the earth, between the crop and around some crop.

Red = electric currents and electric charges
Deep Blue = magnetic field
Green = crop
Brown = soil
Light Blue = force
Grey = velocity

For a far more detailed explanation of this theory, please contact me at:



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