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The ‘International Crop Circle Archive’ (ICCA) team, based in Germany and led by ANDREAS MÜLLER, have released their annual round-up of recent crop circle facts and figures…


In 2004, 229 crop circles and formations were discovered and documented world-wide, which resembles a clear decrease in relation to last year's number, which was 250.

Included as well is a counting of those formations that were definitively man-made. Please note that these figures do not claim to show the exact and total amount of hoaxing, but list only those formations DEFINITIVELY of a man-made origin (like official projects of hoaxing, adverts, experiments or art).

The statistic counts only crop circles in a more or less classical sense as geometrically flattened vegetation, but does not count formations in other media such as soil, sand, ice, etc., but of course those were documented and archived by ICCA as well.


First, a brief comparison with total figures from past years:

1996 - 240
1998 - 187
1999 - 245
2000 - 279
2001 - 197
2002 - 241
2003 - 250
2004 - 229


2004 - crop circles per month (from the total of 229):

January: 1
February: 0
March: 1
April: 2
May: 19
June: 62
July: 81
August: 45
September: 10
October: 5
November: 0
December: 1

Unknown date: 2


2004 - crop circles per country

(The first number shows ranking, the number following the country name shows the actual amount, while the last figure shows the percentage of the total):

1) England: 77 – 33.88 %
2) Germany: 30 – 13.2 %
3) USA: 21 – 9.24 %
4) Czech Republic: 19 – 8.36 %
4) Italy: 19 – 8.36 %
5) Canada: 16 – 7.04 %
6) Poland: 15 – 6.60 %
7) The Netherlands: 11 – 4.84 %
8) Belgium 6 – 2.64 %
9) Switzerland: 5 – 2.20 %
10) Denmark 3 – 1.32 %
11) Australia 2 – 0.88 %
12) France 1 – 0.44 %
12) Austria 1 – 0.44 %
12) Russia: 1 – 0.44 %
12) Spain 1 – 0.44 %
12) Sweden 1 – 0.44 %


Man-Made - Hoaxes/Experiments/Art

Origin unknown: 195 – 85.80 %
Man-Made: 32 – 14.08 %



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