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MILITARY MINDS - 25/12/2004

Are crop circles made by the military, wonders CHRISTINE EDNEY…

Recently I was reading the letters page in an old ‘Nexus Magazine’ (Feb/Mar 2001 - I'm sure you must have read this too) in which a reader is confident that the whole crop circle thing is connected to the US military (something that has been claimed by others previously, but which I dismissed as ridiculous). However, he says that the US has had many orbital launch missions concealed by a military secrecy ban in the past, and that it would be quite easy for a bored ground station operator to send a series of paper-based geometric patterns from his transmitter to a stationary satellite above Europe, with a particle beam type of weapon up there, turned to lower power and focused on the fields of England and Europe - all part of their 'testing'. I felt shocked when I read it, particularly as he claimed that the US brought down the government building in Oklahoma City by the use of a type of particle beam used to shatter the building under the guise of an ammonium nitrate utility load being detonated by an ex-soldier of the army.

This raised many questions for me. Why would 'they' choose mainly Wiltshire (Salisbury connection?). Why put them near sacred sites, or is this just 'coincidence'? Why not choose more secret places, or use fields in the US more than Britain? They seem to want us to see them or perhaps they don't care whether we do or not. The military here have been seen chasing the lights and yet deny all knowledge of it. Sounds odd to me. Do they know something we don't?

Has there been any research or evidence that the US military could NOT possibly be responsible for making the crop circles?



SWIRLED NEWS REPLIES: All we can say is that there is, as yet, no more compelling evidence to support the military connection view than many other possible theories. The how and why, in that hypothesis, remain totally unanswered, and the views expressed in Nexus are speculation (likewise with the Oklahoma bomb), no more.



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