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IAN BROUGHAM rediscovers the idea that aliens may make crop circles…

I have been interested in crop circles for a few years now. Some time ago I was in a spiritual group. At one session we received information on the crop circles and how they were made. When I was on holiday in England, I went to a conference on crop circles in Winchester. I took information with me on the circles; this was rejected by people at that time. I felt that they didn't really know who had made them. The information that I got when I was in this group was that the circles are made by an alien life force. Here is part of the message that we got from spirit:

“You see what is so perplexing to many who live in that area is a fact they do not see these crafts, they are not aware of what happens, it is a form of invisibility. It is achieved by the fact that the vibration that they exist in, or the vibration that they are from, is such that they are able to operate at a different speed from that of the earth plain.”

Are any of the people who are interested in these crop circles on this line of thinking or don't they know? I would be interested in your comments.



SWIRLED NEWS REPLIES: As old hands will know, the idea that invisible higher-dimensional alien forces are at work is probably one of the most prevalent theories. Likewise, lots of people are today open to channelled messages about the circles – things must have moved on somewhat from the Winchester conference mentioned!



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