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SLIPPED DISCS - 03/01/2005

JANICE KREGER does not believe hoaxing claims based on objects such as ‘marker’ discs found in the lay…

It is very interesting to me that this season, it is being attempted to hang the label of 'hoax' on some of the most beautiful/significant formations. A bit of overly-flattened crop and some scattered discs [found in the Silbury ‘Mayan Wheel’ formation this year] do not 'prove' something was man-made, it just proves that people were in the formation prior to the investigators getting there. As I see it, the whole hoax idea was started by people who wanted the 'inexplicable/contact' nature of crop formations buried and buried fast. So they hoaxed stuff (or paid for hoaxers to make up stories of their supposed escapades) early on, humiliated decent researchers, and now, whenever anyone finds things like discs in a circle, or sees 'suspicious people in black' out in a field at night, they immediately scream 'hoax' out of a sort of knee-jerk “ooh, I'll look like a fool” reaction. It never seems to occur to anybody that people may be visiting genuine formations and leaving things scattered about or doing obvious damage to parts of the crop to make people think that the more complex formations are hoaxes. Sorry, but discs and some sections of trampled crop isn't enough evidence to conclusively prove hoaxing. If hoaxers want to be taken seriously, then they must do the following:

Under observed and controlled conditions, they must in one night produce a formation that -

1. Has blown stem nodes
2. Has microscopic spheres of iron scattered in the soil (as per the BLT findings)
3. Has no design mistakes and strong, unusual geometry
4. Exhibits no trace of human intervention/construction

If they choose instead to work during the day, then they must do the above in one to two hours, as there are formations that have appeared in that kind of timeframe in broad daylight.

Unless hoaxers are a) willing to go on the record, and b) produce a formation within the specified time constraints which meets the above criteria, then their claims cannot be taken seriously because there is not enough direct evidence to back them up. What applies to crop circle researchers also applies to hoaxers - you must provide hard evidence to back up your claims. Occum's Razor also applies, and the simplest explanation is not that the most beautiful formations of this season are hoaxes. It is, rather, that people have been visiting genuine formations and purposefully leaving behind scattered items in an attempt to make people think the formations are man-made. It will also be very easy to tell if the scattered discs, etc., even begin to line up with the obvious 'order of construction' of the formation that they are left in. My informed guess says that they won't, plus they were probably left 'dangling around' (and thus easily observable) on the top of the flattened crop, etc. Once again, the easiest explanation is that people are planting things in a vain attempt to discredit the phenomenon.

So the bottom line is, have the hoaxers gone on the record with their supposed ability to create a 'perfect' formation? The answer is, NO!

Until they do so, it cannot be assumed any formation is hoaxed, even if we find all sorts of 'suspicious' human trash lying around in it. There must be hard evidence that people did it (ie. weed-whacked crop or crushed and broken stems throughout) or the self-styled 'hoaxers' must present thorough documentation of their ability to produce a pristine formation with all anomalous traces, such as microscopic iron particles in the soil and balls of light. Just saying, “oh, yeah, we did that” and scattering some 'hoaxer-spoor' around isn't enough by a long shot.

Sorry, but this season, that ol' hoaxer-dawg ain't a-huntin'. It's too lame...



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