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BLACK THOUGHTS - 23/09/2004

‘SHE WHO WATCHES’ is worried about blackened crop near her house…

I was curious as to whether anyone of you out there might be able to assist me with a little problem. Seems our corn is looking more like a lotus blossom these days.

We use no pesticides, no herbicides... all organic.

We had some crop circles form out the back a few years ago, had many sightings over the house and down the drive... my ears are ringing and my equilibrium is off. My feet have a tendency to concur with my thoughts... the energy is coming from the Earth. What do you think?

Have you ever seen anything like this [see picture]? Just picked it yesterday. It has a fine black powder inside the corn petals... some black soot on the outer membrane. And it is bent nearly 90 degrees to the stalk...

Blackened seedheads #1 (photo: SHE WHO WATCHES)
Blackened seedheads #1 (photo: SHE WHO WATCHES)
Blackened seedheads #2 (photo: SHE WHO WATCHES)
Blackened seedheads #2 (photo: SHE WHO WATCHES)


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