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ALIEN FACE – OR A WOMAN’S..? - 15/06/2004

AMIEL KAMPHUIS makes an interesting observation about the Crabwood ‘alien face’ formation of 2002…

On 15 August 2002, a strange crop circle appeared in England: the 'Alien Face'.

In the second week of February 2004, I wanted to print the beautiful aerial photo made by Lucy Pringle. The result was not a colour picture, but a black and white one. I put the black and white picture beside me at my table and continued with my work.

During my work, for some reason, my eyes were attracted by the black and white picture of the Alien Face, and after I looked at it several times, I noticed something strange. Besides the Alien Face, there was another face in the picture: the face of a woman looking backwards over her left shoulder...

I have drawn some lines on the final picture of the three here to make clear what I saw...

Crabwood, Hampshire, August 2002 (photo: LUCY PRINGLE)
Crabwood, Hampshire, August 2002 (photo: LUCY PRINGLE)
Detail 1
Detail 1
Detail 2, with woman's outline drawn in
Detail 2, with woman's outline drawn in


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