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The Centre for Crop Circle Studies, unhappy at Michael Glickman's recent comments about them (see latest 'Voice of Reason' column), have asked us to reproduce the following information about their organisation, to set the record straight...


CCCS, the only constituted body studying this subject, has been researching and discussing crop circles and related phenomena since 1990. It has enjoyed the benefits and work of a number of scientists who were originally outside this field. CCCS studies the subject from a scientific standpoint and also incorporates metaphysical viewpoints, the interaction with the human psyche and subtle energies. It has no corporate belief on the nature and origin of geniune crop circles.

Reports and discussion are disseminated through its journal 'The Circular'. Members currently receive three issues per year, and in addition reduced entry to conferences, etc.

Membership is £15 (UK), £18 (Rest of Europe), or £22.50 Rest of World (US$36) - International Money Order in pound sterling, or cheque in sterling drawn on a UK bank, or cash including dollars and euros. No coins accepted: Payable to 'CCCS'. Send to Dr Andrew King, Membership Secretary, Kemberly, Victoria Gardens, Biggin Hill, Westerham,Kent, TN16 3DJ, UK.


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