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This year’s season has begun rather later than many, and rather modestly with a single circle in rape, but a start is a start…

The season has begun at last with a small circle around 20 feet in diameter at Bishops Cannings Down, in oilseed rape. It was first discovered on Saturday 1st May.

2003 started in mid-April, so things have been a little late to get going this year, but who knows what may be yet to come…

A false alarm initially came when last year’s 13-fold shape at West Stowell, near Huish, decided to make itself known again by manifesting as areas of affected growth in this year’s new rape crop. This phenomenon of ‘ghost formations’ has long been known, but this is one of the clearest examples yet seen and it is not entirely clear why the soil is so affected as to leave such defined impressions of what went before.

For photos and details on these and other (hopefully) forthcoming 2004 formations as the season progresses, go to:

or investigate many of the other circle-reporting sites.


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