BLANCHE MCLANAHAN has an answer to Michael Glickman’s recent ‘Befuddlement’ piece…
BLANCHE MCLANAHAN has an answer to Michael Glickman’s recent ‘Befuddlement’ piece…
You know even with ‘befuddlement’ [see Michael Glickman’s recent ‘Voice of Reason’ columns] there somehow exists a message. For instance, Glickman indicating the 180 degree variance in surveying that he and Andreas Mueller came up with when measuring a crop circle. Glickman said it has been four years and they haven't reached a conclusion as to what happened. I would like to offer the explanation. The crop circle message was optic or acoustic "heterodyning" technology. The circlemakers were attempting to show them through experience how they make the formations through their dimension to ours. They, of course, use the lines of longitude and latitude for measure to equate the 180 -180 = 0 when recalibrating energy to matter ratios. They used an advance form of this technology used by our Navy and some private companies, but theirs is based on Monopolar technology. They view ours as a bipolar dysfunction and attempt to show us the next leap or step. They gave Glickman a whirl...