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The croppie café at Calne is now reopened after a refit, under new management. KAREN DOUGLAS went along to the official reopening party…

On Saturday 3 May, the new Crop Circle Café opened its doors for a welcoming party. September 2002 had seen the closing down of the Silent Circle Café, which had occupied the same building throughout last summer and had become a regular meeting place and watering hole for the crop circle community. Many had been very saddened by the closing of this venue as it had become a focal point for the exchange of information and debate over the crop circle season as it had unfolded. So it was with great joy that the news was received that the venue would be re-opened in time for the 2003 season.

The café has been aptly renamed the Crop Circle Café and is now run by Louise Bernard, who has had pervious experience in the catering business – as well as a healthy interest in the circles subject. The building has been beautifully refurbished and is now ready for business!

The opening party was attended by over 50 crop circle supporters from all parts of the country, all showing their enthusiastic backing for the new venture. Many expressed their admiration for the new décor and their delight that someone had come forward to take on the job of providing such a vital service to the community.

The doors opened at 2.00pm and people continued to arrive all afternoon to congratulate Louise and sample a taste of the atmosphere and culinary delights on offer. Flowers and well-wishing cards adorned all surfaces, wine flowed freely and conversations soon turned to speculating about the forthcoming season and reflecting upon seasons past. Seven O’clock rolled around all too quickly and the party goers said their farewells and went on their way home.

The new café will provide cappuccino coffee, tea, cold juices, wholefoods, and salads with organic and vegetarian choices. The opening hours will be much extended, now opening from 9am to 8pm – a cooked dinner will be available most evenings - bring your own wine if you wish to accompany your evening meal.

The essential map and internet link will still be available to provide crop circle hunters with all the latest information on new formations as they happen.

We’d like to wish Louise all the very best with her new venture, and hope to bump into many of you in the café this summer.



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