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Sadly, ‘The Silent Circle’ crop circle-themed café at Cherhill, Wiltshire, so hugely successful this summer, has unexpectedly closed its doors…

For many croppies, The Silent Circle had become the gathering point of choice this year, always full of people discussing the latest events and preparing to set out for, or returning from, crop circle jaunts. It made for a welcome lighter balance to ‘The Barge’ pub, all too often preyed on by sceptics and troublemakers.

In a regrettable and unexpected development due to personal reasons, the café has been forced to close – for now. Charles Mallett, co-owner of the café, has issued the following statement, which he has asked us to reproduce:


“Due to an unforeseen set of circumstances, The Silent Circle café ceased trading at Cherhill near Calne, Wiltshire on October 18th 2002.

Many thanks to all the thousands of visitors we received throughout summer 2002; a staggering ten thousand no less, from at least twenty countries. This radically diverse cross-section of the global community, all in search of their own mystery, came together at The Silent Circle café to share experiences and information in a way never seen before in the history of the awe-inspiring circles phenomenon. The privilege was ours.

Even though the café has currently ceased trading, The Silent Circle as a company is not dead – watch this space!”

© Silent Circle LTD 2002


Whatever the outcome, we wish everyone connected with the café, who worked so hard to make it the success it was, the very best for the future and hope that, as alluded to above, The Silent Circle, even if not at the same premises (apparently unlikely), may yet rise again.

The Silent Circle cafe
The Silent Circle cafe


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