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Watch out ‘The Barge’! In an effort to create a new welcoming gathering point for croppies in Wiltshire, the first ever crop circle-themed café, ‘The Silent Circle’, has recently opened for business. KAREN DOUGLAS outlines its aims, enjoys its food and watches the car crashes on its opening day…

June 1st saw the opening of the first café dedicated to the crop circles, ‘The Silent Circle’. Situated on the A4 between Wiltshire’s famous Cherhill white horse and the town of Calne, this new eating house is set to be the primary meeting place for the circularly-inclined during the up and coming season. The café will be run by familiar circles researchers Charles and Frances Mallett, who have transformed this once greasy spoon joint into a wonderful space, full of atmosphere and light.

The café has its own Internet connection and a corner of the room is dedicated to the reporting of crop circles, complete with map and notice board. The walls are adorned with all kinds of lovely artwork, the majority of which are crop circle-inspired and together conjure up an inspirational ambience for those long crop circle conversations.

The food is great too, with home-made cakes, sandwiches, salads and soups on the menu. Every croppie will soon have reason to keep an eye on their waistline with such tempting fare on offer from 10.00am through to 7.00pm each day.

The morning of the 1st saw a celebratory gathering of all those who had helped or supported the setting up of the café. It was a champagne affair, with everyone more than impressed with what they experienced.

Such was the impact of the exterior paintwork that a tourist missed the turning into the car park and drove their car into a large pole! The car was pushed into the car park with a lovely new dent in its bonnet. Luckily the passengers were all okay and they were treated to a cup of tea while they waited for the rental company to bring them a replacement car. Well Charles and Frances had wanted their café to cause a big impact (groan)…

I’m sure I speak for everyone when I extend my heartfelt best wishes and congratulations to Charles and Frances and wish them the very best of luck. I’m looking forward to saying hello to all Swirled News readers over a cup of tea at The Silent Circle soon.

Some familiar croppies and locals enjoy the opening day...
Some familiar croppies and locals enjoy the opening day...
The Internet corner...
The Internet corner...
Tables and chairs!
Tables and chairs!
The car crash-inducing exterior...
The car crash-inducing exterior...
The cafe team, with Charles and Frances Mallett 2nd & 3rd from right (All photos: KAREN DOUGLAS)
The cafe team, with Charles and Frances Mallett 2nd & 3rd from right (All photos: KAREN DOUGLAS)


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