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A leading member of the East Midlands UK circle research community passed away in January. RICHARD and ANN SMITH give their thoughts…

It was with great sadness that we learned of the untimely death of Tony Caldicott shortly after Christmas. For many years Tony held the Convenorship of the East Midlands Centre for Crop Circle Studies and will be sadly missed by his many friends.

Tony dealt in the facts of every situation and was unimpressed by mere speculation. His level-headed approach to the phenomenon was a constant source of inspired research, indeed, his survey of the 1993 Charley Knoll formation was a classic example of fine-detailed surveying. Along with like-minded members of his group, he ensured that an exact record of the event was left to those interested in further correlating all the facts from this magnificent formation.

His organisational skills and attention to detailed facts precluded him from speculative interest in the more esoteric aspects of the crop circle scene, but his balanced views were a credit to the man and to the folk with whom he was involved.

Tony, best wishes on this, your next journey. Give those you meet all our love.



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