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History is made as US researcher Nancy Talbott has become the first ever cerealogist to ‘officially’ witness a crop pattern being formed in front of her very eyes…

No, this is not a joke. It’s official – a dedicated crop circle researcher has finally witnessed the ‘holy grail’ experience longed for by many in the cerealogical community.

Nancy Talbott, of the ongoing BLT Research effort in the USA, which has produced some of the most important scientific evidence for the veracity of the circle phenomenon through its work on biological changes in circle-affected plants, has become the lucky person to have this profound privilege.

There have been around two dozen eye-witness sightings to crop circles forming over the years, but all of them have been members of the public, with little or no knowledge of the phenomenon. Cerealogists have witnessed lights on nights when formations appear before, but, rumours aside, despite many efforts to achieve a firm sighting through surveillance and night-watches, not until now has a member of the research community had such a directly verifiable encounter.

Nancy’s experience took place this summer in The Netherlands on August 21st whilst carrying out continuing investigations into the seemingly interactive qualities of a young man called Robert, who seems to attract crop circles and balls of light. In essence, both Nancy and Robert watched as light phenomena appeared to project a formation, an ellipse with other appendages, into the field behind his house.

Swirled News has been aware of this event for several weeks now, but has respected Nancy’s wish not to make it public until such time as she could prepare the proper approach for the release of her information. However, as less scrupulous sources have now made this event public through widely-distributed e-mails, it is now necessary to acknowledge the reality of the event.

Already, some are using the story to back up their own personal theories without the light of the full evidence, which seems to us unwise, to say the least. What is does show, however, at the least, is that there very definitively IS a real non-human phenomenon at work in the fields, despite all the bluster of the sceptics.

We have been asked not to reproduce the unofficial and unreliable Chinese-whisper accounts which are currently doing the rounds, but instead to wait for Nancy’s official statement, which will be ready in the next week or so. We will respect this request and wait with baited breath for the publication of the full story which will appear on Swirled News as soon as we have it…



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