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Thinking of using an image or article from Swirled News on your own website..? Please read the following carefully first!

With all the interest worldwide generated by the new formations at Chilbolton and Milk Hill, it has come to our attention at Swirled News that some of our images and text that we have on this website are now being used on many other websites without permission.

This is very flattering! On the whole, we’re happy to be quoted left, right and centre, but for reproduction of full Swirled News articles on other websites, we must please ask that permission be granted from us first and full credits given! A simple e-mail to is all it takes. Please read our copyright notices in the ‘About Us’ section. Thanks.

More importantly, some copyrighted photos are turning up in all sorts of places without anyone having asked first! Please note that for the reproduction of any images from this website, permission must be sought from the copyright holder, ie. the person who took the photo (usually credited in brackets in the caption).

Please can we ask that anyone wishing to reproduce images from this site contact the copyright holders directly for their permission or through Swirled News.

For photos taken by Steve Alexander, please contact Steve by email at:

Thanks for your attention and co-operation!


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