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‘CONTACT’ is the latest video produced by Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard, and concentrates on the sightings of balls of light in and around crop circles. MELANIE GAMBRILL outlines its content…

Following their acclaimed video ‘Crop Circles – The Research’ (1999), Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard have produced a new video, ‘CONTACT’, which focuses on the unexplained balls of light which have so often been reported, photographed and filmed in and around crop formations.

The video provides highly convincing evidence of the link between the balls of light and the crop circles. The balls of light are seen to behave with intelligence and the question posed is: is this the same intelligence that creates the beautiful formations that grace our landscape each year?

The 45 minute video invites you into a journey across the Wiltshire landscape, with many flyover sequences set to music. Once the scene is set, the focus of the investigation is maintained throughout. The video contains a great deal of footage showing balls of light travelling over fields and in and out of crop circles, shot by a number of different people in various locations in Wiltshire. It brings us right up to date, including footage shot only last year. Several well-known crop circle researchers are interviewed about their video footage and encounters with unexplained light phenomena. Most significantly, comparisons are made between different pieces of footage, highlighting the many similarities and offering a challenge for sceptics. It is very powerful to see so many video sequences of light ball phenomena brought together on one tape.

Robbert van den Broeke talks about his amazing experiences with strange lights and crop circles in Holland. Dr Eltjo Haselhoff Ph.D explains how he has established scientific proof that some crop circles are made by balls of light – “trivial experimental physics!” Returning to Wiltshire we learn of a meditation experiment that seems to demonstrate a connection between people and the circlemakers.

The programme also looks at the relationship between the military helicopters frequenting the Wiltshire area and the balls of light witnessed by many people. There is an interesting interview with an army helicopter pilot.

Several explanations are offered at the end of the video, but the viewer is left to make up their own mind about what is going on. This video is a much needed investigation into this mysterious phenomenon. One thing is certain, you will find yourself watching it with finger poised over your remote control ready to replay the amazing footage over and over again! Don’t miss it!

To obtain a copy of this video:

If you live in the UK, please transfer £17.00 sterling (includes p&p) to British bank account number 2643643 registered by the name of Mr Bert Janssen. (Lloyds TSB, branch code 30-92-63). Please don't forget to add your name and exact address.

If you live in the USA, please send a check for $27.00 (includes p&p) to: Bert Janssen, P.O. Box 10, 9460 AA Gieten, The Netherlands.

If you live in the Netherlands, please transfer NLG 40,- to bank account nr. of Bert Janssen. Please don't forget to add your name and exact address.

If you live somewhere else, either follow the procedure for USA citizens or send $27.00 - cash - in a sealed envelope to: Bert Janssen, P.O. Box 10, 9460 AA Gieten, The Netherlands.

Please allow four weeks delivery time. This may be a bit longer during the summer because of Bert and Janet's stay in the UK crop circle arena!

For further enquiries, Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard can be reached at:



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